Press the OPTION key and the 2 key to have the symbol immediately appear when using an Apple computer.
Use the INSERT tab and find the symbol. Release ALT and see the symbol in your browser field. Hold down the left ALT key while typing 0153 on the numeric section of your keyboard. Type (tm), which will automatically correct it to make the ™ symbol. Like the registered trademark symbol, there are a few ways to type the unregistered trademark symbol in Microsoft Office: The raised TM signifies an unregistered trademark. If you're on an Apple computer, using any word processing software, press the OPTION key and the R key to get the symbol.įinally, if you're working on a website, use ® for HTML or ®. This is a great way to find just about any symbol you'll need in your drafting. Press it, then find SYMBOLS, which shows a SPECIAL CHARACTERS menu. As you write your document, one of the tabs along top of your screen is the INSERT tab. Hold down the left ALT key while typing 0174 on the numeric section (usually on the right side) of your keyboard. (To undo the autocorrection, press the CTRL key and the Z key together, which reverses the last move you made when typing.) Type (r) and the automatic correction function creates the symbol. There are a few different ways to type it in Microsoft Office: It is only for federally registered marks, not for pending marks or state registrations. The encircled capital R normally appears raised at the right-hand side of a business name or logo. Now, here are some handy ways to type these symbols. Thus, it can prevent others from adopting a name and logo like yours for similar products or services. You do not need to use TM or SM symbols, as their use does not offer any state or federal protection, but the use of the TM or SM does put viewers on notice of your claim. The SM (℠) signifies an unregistered mark just for services. The TM (™) stands for unregistered or pending trademarks on goods or on a combination of goods and services. In an enforcement action, you may ask the court for monetary damages, including lost profits, if you show that the infringer had actual knowledge of your mark's federal registration. Its use is optional, but owners should insert it in to preserve their rights.
The federal registration symbol, the encircled R (®) is for marks that have obtained an official registration by the U.S. It can exist with or without official registration. Let's look at what these symbols mean and some options for typing them.Ī trademark is a name or logo representing a unique product or service. Alas, keyboards don't make it easy to type these characters. You know the common trademark symbols: the small, raised TM or SM and the circled letter R.